WORKSHOP SPACE - Trinity Rooms.

See who is delivering workshops at Wellbeing festival this year.


9am to 10.20am

A New Approach to Yoga

Advance ticket only – E/Bird Yoga class & Day pass £10

Try new approaches to your yoga practice. Find motivation and realise potential within the bounds of what you as an individual could realistically achieve. Enjoy a holistic approach and learn how laughter is essential to every personal journey.

Creative spirit Hazel Baldwin is always crafting new holistic encounters with yoga, so you can get a real taste of how the practices which have changed her life can enrich yours.

12.00pm - 45 minutes

From 'there' to 'here'

A demonstration of Mediumship from Spirit to You.

Linda Rowntree has been a psychic medium for nearly 20 years and enjoy every minute of what I do. I use my spiritual gifts to help empower others to be the best they can be.

1.00pm - 45 minutes

Letting go of Fear

Meditation To help reduce stress and anxiety, giving you the tools to be self-empowered in the present moment, letting go of fear. Join Sharon in this meditation session to learn how to calm the mind – Sharon will teach you a Meditation/Mantra practice for you to use.

Sharon Taylor (Palden Nordron) is an ordained Tibetan Buddhist disciple & Shamanic Healer Medium. Sharon has spent the last 35 years exploring and sharing spiritual meditation, mindfulness in different forms, helping those to heal them selfs through meditation practice, shamanic healing, and offering 1-2-1 and group classes.

2.30pm - 45 minutes

Achieve the deepest sleep states, effortlessly!

As we age, our ability to access the deeper sleep states is impaired – this can have far reaching detrimental consequences. Come and have a first-hand experience of how this can be effortlessly reversed to achieve the deepest sleep possible once again regularly.

I’m Richard Scott, when I was first introduced to this ‘sleep’ technology it dramatically changed the course of my life. I’ve raved about it ever since and I’m looking forward to publicly presenting it for the first time over this weekend.

3.30pm - 45 minutes

Sound & Meditation Journey

Wayne will be hosting a Meditation Experience using sound to “let go of what no longer serves you, evoking love”. This will be an opportunity to experience a sound journey personal to you through drumming, voice and other instruments through this journey.

Wayne McHugh is a spiritual teacher, life speaker, psychic medium, musician and song writer. Wayne has had many enlightening spiritual experiences he encountered whilst working as a Paramedic.


12.00pm - 45 minutes

A Sound Bath

Using an array of sound healing instruments along with a free shot of ceremonial cacao.

Colin Wyatt is a sound healer & focuses his instruments primarily of the frequency of 432Hz. This frequency helps balance the body, mind & reconnects is with nature. Added with ceremonial cacao, participants to Colin’s sound baths have also repotted profound healing experiences.

1.30pm - 45 minutes

Sounds Like Self Love: Saying Yes." & "No."

Self-love sounds like your ability to make the right choices for you. Explore how your voice is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings & experiences. Improve your confidence in making choices and your ability to say ‘Yes’ to life and ‘No’ to others’ requests.

Judith liberates voices to liberate lives. Helping people release old energies, pains and patterns, speak up and be seen and heard. She is a speaker, author, creator of the Sound Your Voice oracle card deck, and member of the Association of Transformational Leaders of Europe.

2.30pm - 45 minutes

Unleash Your True Power from Within!

You are more powerful than you think; you are just mis-using that energy! Join us for live demonstrations and practical tools to Target your biggest energy-drainers, redirect that wasted energy & reclaim your true power! This world needs you to live up to your potential!

Wai Cheung is a transformational coach and sought-after speaker who helps professionals align their heart and mind for rapid breakthroughs. Using a unique approach, he empowers clients to find direction, unleash their power, and move rapidly towards their life’s purpose

3.30pm - 45 minutes

Psychic Mediumship Demonstration

Debbi will be giving evidence that our loved ones in spirit are always around us. She works with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience and is very passionate about channelling messages.

Debbi Chambers is an intuitive energy therapist, spiritual medium/teacher and Reiki master/teacher. Debbi is very passionate about channelling messages from loved ones. She also specialises in helping individuals to heal within and find their true self using various healing therapies.